It’s painful to be human.

And also wild and weird and wonderful. Sometimes.

As we developed our sense of self, we created stories to help us survive all the pain that living can bring. We internalized voices and indulged impulse symptoms that were meant to help us survive the chaos of the world in which we were born. The voices—not always kind—convinced us that we needed them.

Maybe we did.

And yet, perhaps those impulses that once sought to protect us, no longer serve us. And so, with honor, we ask these old friends to stand aside.

Therapy is an additive process, giving new insights and tools and choice. It’s not my goal to get rid of anything about you. True change BEGINS when we accept all that we are. We can then more fully embody those impulses that serve us, while turning down the volume of the internal unkind voices that are historical, outdated.

I listen for what is underneath the words. I tune into the whole of you, gently inviting forth those aspects of you that have been relegated to the far edge of shadow. The shadow holds powerful creative and growth-inducing energy.

But fear can hold it all prisoner.

Fear is a powerful force, one that can manifest in both inward and outward turned hatred. Let’s begin our work together by acknowledging that we are ALL afraid. And there is no shame in that.

I follow the tendrils that lead to root fears and beliefs, those old stories that influence relationships with self and others. While always oriented to the present. The now.

Where change can happen.

Areas Of Specialty

  • Anxiety

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Narcissistic Family Systems

  • Creative Blocks

  • Dating and Relationships

  • LGBTQ+ Clients

  • Creatives: Actors, Musicians, Writers, Directors

  • Life Changes

  • Grief and Loss